Harbour News 3-15 November 2020

22 arrivals for the period

Ullapool Harbour Trust continues to operate during the Covid-19 pandemic; supporting vital transport links to the Western Isles and handling routine fishing and commercial traffic. Harbour services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and we can be contacted by phone, email and VHF.  We are observing strict social distancing and hygiene measures.   

Whitefish totalled 4,000 boxes from a single Scottish trawler, two Anglo-Spanish netters and a single Anglo long-line landing. The new Orkney trawler Aalskere made a decent landing of haddock and monkfish from Faroe waters, two Anglo freezer netters landed good shots of processed monkfish and crab from deep water and an Anglo long-liner landed hake and ling from the shelf edge. With Rockall fishing grounds inaccessible in winter the Scottish fleet has moved north and east in recent weeks and will return in force next spring.

Shellfish business remains quiet.  We had seven calls from visiting prawn trawlers and a single offshore brown crab landing combined with the efforts of the local fleet.

Non-fishing activities were fairly busy; eight fish farm support vessels were carrying our local day-runs or calling in for crew changes and the MCA emergency towing vessel Ievoli Black called in for fuel. 

The 2021 Harbour Calendar is for sale at the usual outlets (we are extremely grateful to Parletts, the Hardware Shop, Artworks, Lochbroom Filling Station and West Coast Deli).  Copies are also available at the harbour office.    In these socially distant times, it’s also possible to order the calendar direct from our website – www.ullapool-harbour.co.uk.  As ever, all profits go to youth sail training voyages.


Harbour Scrap Metal Service

The harbour is running a scrap metal collection service to raise funds for Romanian orphans. Local lady Effie Mackenzie fundraises for Gino’s Cantina but COVID restrictions have dealt a blow to her fundraising effort. Gino’s Cantina provides hot meals for 130 children and they need your help.

To arrange collection, please contact the harbour –

info@ullapool-harbour.co.uk  Phone: 07739 951 178

(No vehicles or domestic appliances)

Many thanks to all who have already donated; the first 10 tonne skip was uplifted last week.