
Ullapool Harbour Trust allocates up to 2% of gross profit to stakeholder initiatives annually. (Historically funding applications were fairly infrequent, and as such more often than not requests were met, albeit not necessarily 100 %.) More recently the number of funding requests has increased to a level that requires a more structured application and award process. The fund will now be allocated on a quarterly basis with applicants submitting a written application for consideration by the Trustees. The application should contain the following information; brief outline of the project, total cost, funding avenues explored and timeline. Applications will be assessed collectively at the end of each quarter with the funds allocated accordingly.  A summary of the quarter’s applications and awards will be published in the Ullapool News.

The ethos of the award scheme is to fund local organisations and youth projects with an emphasis on community enhancement.


Quarter Application Deadline
Apr – Jun

30 June

Jul – Sep

30 September

Oct – Dec

31 December

Jan – Mar

31 March