53 arrivals for the period
Whitefish landings have once again been steady with the Anglo Spanish sector fishing making up the bulk of the catch. The long line vessels continue to land good shots of hake and ling from deeper water west of Lewis. The monofilament netter Eder Sands landed a boat full of processed frozen monkfish and deepwater crabs after a 12 week trip in northern waters. The only Scottish whitefish landing was from the Kirkwall registered Aalskere who had once again been targeting haddock at Rockall with reasonable success.
Shellfish landings have also held up with a growing number of larger vessels fishing Minch grounds and reporting very good returns for their efforts. The offshore crabbers continue to land weekly and the local inshore fleet report much better pickings.
Non-fishing was quiet for a change with the Shetland pelagic trawler Altaire in to collect scientists for their third mackerel egg survey and the luxury cruise ship Hebridean Princess in for a scheduled weekend call.
Harbour developments continue with the ongoing installation of replacement fuel tanks and pipe work to supply visiting vessels with marine gas oil. The new facilities and infrastructure will be owned by Ullapool Harbour Trust and operated by the recently appointed tenant Highland Fuels. The new infrastructure will have a storage volume of 200,000 litres and the ability to deliver to seven different outlets around the pier. The tanks are being manufactured in Aberdeen by Isleburn Engineering and should be installed and up and running by October 2016.
Lesley Riddoch launched her exhibition, Nordic House, on a lovely sunny evening on 24th June to a large audience and a great evening was had by all. Everyone is welcome to come down to the ferry terminal, any time between 11:00am and 9:00pm to have a wander round and take in the displays which are truly interesting.
Feis Rois will be at the Harbour on Tuesday 19th May as they continue the Ceilidh Trail. Performance starts at 12.30pm- the event is free and all are welcome.