Whitefish totalled 6000 boxes from 12 Anglo Spanish liners, 1 gill-netter and a Scottish twin rigger. Fishing continues to exceed demand with all sectors reporting excellent catches but poor market prices. The shellfish sector continues to be busy with 23 vessels landing prawns and crabs from the N Minch and Butt of Lewis; once again catches have been good but prices somewhat static.
The non-fishing sector saw the Lerwick registered pelagic super-trawler Altaire in to mobilise for a Marine Scotland mackerel egg survey. The rationale used to estimate the relative abundance of the mackerel stock is to survey the oceans in a grid pattern towing a plankton sampler which captures eggs suspended in the water column. The grid runs from land until such time as the egg count drops to nothing, usually at the 200m contour. Scientists then examine the catch, separate out and count the mackerel eggs. The results for all grids are combined and a relative abundance index is calculated by comparing results with those collected in previous years. The survey is carried out simultaneously by a number of vessels covering an area from north of Shetland to the Bay of Biscay for 10 weeks.
Causeway Geotech constructed their temporary jack-up barge and completed drilling of four test boreholes to a depth of 42 meters. Ground investigation of this type is essential with the resulting cores analysed and the results used to inform the pier extension design process. Thanks to a period of settled weather, work was completed almost a week ahead of schedule.
The building works at Morefield Industrial Estate continue to progress on schedule. All six units are now in place and the layout is really taking shape.
The ferry Linkspan has undergone significant repair and maintenance work by a team of engineers from Sutherland. The supporting steelwork has been cleaned and repainted with all joints shimmed, bolted and welded.
Fundraising efforts continue apace for the 6 High School sail trainees who are taking part in this year’s Denmark/Finland stage of the Tall Ships race on board the Wylde Swan. To boost their fundraising efforts, they’ll be holding a Carwash on the pier on Easter Saturday from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. One of the trainees who lives in Scoraig is holding a pizza delivery service on the 12th April so get yourself over to the peninsula for feast of fun.
Keep an eye on the Harbour Events calendar on our brand new website where we’ll keep you informed of harbour-related activities. This Easter Sunday at 9:30 am, the Rev’d Nicholas Court will host an Ecumenical Service in the Marquee and all are welcome to attend.
Finally, check out our ad in the Situations Vacant section. We have a vacancy for Harbour Assistant and we’re keen to continue to build up a skilled, enthusiastic team.