Shore Street Project Update

Shore Street Project Update

Permission and Licensing

The Planning application goes before the Highland Council Planning Committee on 19th October and shortly thereafter a decision will be issued to Ullapool Harbour Trust.

The Marine License application has thankfully gained some recent traction and was finally advertised by Marine Scotland for the statutory four-week period ending 5th November. Marine Scotland will evaluate the submissions received and prepare a formal report which may well take a further month. Theoretically UHT may receive permission to proceed with the works by late November 2021, well over a month later than previously planned.


Given that the project will be part-funded by public money, it was a requirement that the works be advertised on the Public Contracts Scotland website. Three experienced companies responded to the works notice; they have submitted evidence of their ability to complete a contract of this nature and they will be invited to tender in late October. The tender duration is four weeks, accordingly UHT plans to evaluate the submissions, conduct interviews and appoint the successful bidder by mid-November.

Contract Structure

Given the delays to planning and in particular marine licensing, the project will not commence this winter. The likelihood is that large capital items which have been less affected by recent price rises will be purchased in this financial year. It is anticipated that construction will commence in autumn 2022 when it’s hoped that the current spike in steel and cement prices return to something more normal.


UHT has secured sufficient funds to complete the inner harbour works and have several other funding avenues to explore to reduce the burden on harbour finances. Funding for the promenade element of the project remains unclear as UHT awaits firm commitment from Transport Scotland’s Road & Ferry departments and various other interested parties.


Final design and aesthetics relating to the promenade and inner harbour will be open to community inclusion once all permissions are in place and a contractor has been appointed.