Harbour News 18 November-2 December

23 arrivals for the period

Whitefish totalled 3500 boxes from one Scottish and thirteen Anglo Spanish landings. The Inverness- registered Adventurer continues to fish local waters along the shelf edge west of Lewis catching a good run of decent haddocks and monkfish.  The Anglo fleet are landing top quality hake and ling weekly with reports of plenty fish on the grounds; hopefully their quotas will hold up for another month.

Shellfish landings have been steady with the usual weekly crab landings, a couple of visits from the scallop dredger Georgia Dawn and three prawners in to land and take ice. The local fleet continues to work away in a period of remarkably settled weather.

Sail Trainees

The 2015 Harbour Calendar in aid of local student Tall Ships training programmes is in most Ullapool’s shops and Achiltibuie Stores and is selling very well.  We appreciate your continued support which allows us to sponsor amazing sea voyages for our local young people.  We have also set up a Paypal account on our website www.ullapool-harbour.co.uk which allows you to purchase this great Christmas gift online!


We are delighted to confirm that the Dutch schooner Wylde Swan has confirmed that she will return to Ullapool to undertake a series of adventure voyages from 4th – 21st July 2015 – see harbour website for more details.


Ferry Works

The harbour is exceptionally busy at the moment with 40 tradesmen on site daily. The Terminal Building is really starting to take shape with the external cladding being fitted.  Inside the decorators are taping and filling and the joiners continue to fit glazing units and fire screens. The Linkspan Replacement is slowly evolving and with pile testing now completed things are due to progress apace in the run-up to the Christmas break. These works will bring some short-term traffic and noise disruption to the local community; we are working as hard and quickly as possible to ensure the whole process is completed speedily. Once again we would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Weather permitting, the new ferry Loch Seaforth is due to return to Ullapool this Saturday 6th to undergo a series of berthing trials the following day. The ship is currently tied up in Greenock undergoing final fit-out prior to taking up the route once the new fendering system has been installed in Stornoway.